Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Letter to Indigo at Six Years Old

Dear Indigo,

Here we are, six years old. You are taller, more confident, more grown up. I sometimes see a shred of my baby boy, when you let your emotions run over you at bedtime and release all your pent-up worries in a torrent of tears. I wish you weren’t such a worrier. I know how exhausting it can be.

You are doing awesome in first grade. I’m amazed at how quick you are solving math problems and reading. No more spelling words at Daddy that I want to keep secret from you, because you are going to pick up on all of it now.

Cyan just adores you. He was so excited to see you after a week apart. Remember you’re the big brother and he’s looking up to you. I know he can be annoying and loud and break things, but try to be patient. He’s learning how to human, just like you are.

You did great on our trip to Disney, other than a few melt downs. It happens. We all have moments where we get tired and overwhelmed. You made a great Beast. I love your confidence. It’s like you don’t even consider being nervous or scared of doing things. And Space Mountain? Yikes!!

Gymnastics is still super fun for you. You are a regular ninja out there! I’m so glad you found an activity you truly enjoy. 

I just love watching you discover new things and learn more about yourself. It truly is amazing to watch you turn into a full-fledged person, even if it means you are taking tiny steps away from me. You say you never want to leave home, not even for college, and while I know that won’t stick, I still enjoy hearing it. My arms will always be open for you, little boy, because you have stolen a piece of my heart forever.

Happy birthday!


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