Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Letter to Cyan at Seven Years Old

 Dear Cyan,

The last time I wrote you a birthday letter, you were turning three. We were in lockdown from COVID, and you were loving it! Everyone home to play with!

How much you have changed since then! You are taller and stronger. You know how to read, add, subtract, tell time, and ride a bike with no training wheels! Your curls are mostly a thing of the past, and you no longer eat hot dogs as a primary food group. You love milk and Eggo waffles and Little Bites. You've now been to Disney World ... TWICE!

You are at the end of first grade and pretty much the mayor of your school. Everyone knows who you are, and you put a smile on all their faces! You're also doing Cub Scouts with Blue as your leader!

You have tried playing baseball and soccer but perhaps aren't a team sports guy, like your brother. You still love swimming and are very good at it. Maybe swim team is in your future? You also love doing gymnastics with Indigo. Periwinkle taught you a lot of moves during quarantine so they were very surprised when four-year-old you did a one-handed cartwheel. 

You call my mom Grandma now, not Mima. And when I say "look both ways" you no longer wave both directions before crossing the street because you thought I said "waves" not "ways." I miss that 

As much as you've changed, you are still my sweet Cyan. Your smile lights up my day. You have a great laugh and love telling jokes. You still have boundless energy and adore your siblings (even when you guys fight. So, daily). 

You still end up in our bed several times a week (after three years of every night). You are still very attached to me. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't. You need to get a little braver, step a little further. I'll be right there if you need me.

You are stubborn beyond belief. Which you use when you don't feel like going to school. Or baseball. Or breakdancing. I can't wait until the recital. I'll be sad but glad it's over. The battle to get you to class has been rough. Even though you love to dance! I still don't understand. But you do you, kiddo.

I can't wait to see what seven brings you! Odd to think you are now the age your siblings were the last time I wrote to you. I hope you have a better second grade experience than they did!

I'm so proud of the person you are and are becoming. Keep shining a little sunshine into the world! 

Love forever,
